How to install the homebrew launcher for version 11.1.34u
How to install the homebrew launcher for version 11.1.34u

how to install the homebrew launcher for version 11.1.34u

To install homebrew games and applications you’ll need to download them and place them on your Switch’s micro SD card. Go to the home menu and click the Album icon.The exploit is finished when there’s a popup asking you to exit. Restart the device, and perform a new connection test.If you see 2000-1337 on your screen it means installation succeeded. Set your Switch DNS server to, and perform a connection test.Turn on the console, then go to Settings, Internet section, and select DNS Configuration.Insert the micro SD card into the Switch.Put the hbmenu.nro on the root of your micro SD card.


How to Install the Homebrew Launcher Please Note: Running untrusted homebrew could potentially damage your Switch, and will void your warranty. If you don’t have a Switch, purchase one before the Nvidia Tegra exploits (mentioned above) are released and Nintendo modifies the hardware in Switch systems to fix them. If you want Homebrew in the near future, don’t update past 4.1.0. However, the exploit relies on another issue fixed in 4.0.0 (Memory controller access – “probably” fixable in the long term, but not in the short term). 4.0.0-4.1.0 is also “safe” in the long term to crack TrustZone with déjà vu. They’ll get stuff later than 2.0.0-3.0.0 but sooner than 4.x. 3.0.1-3.0.2 are interchangeable, and also good. If you’re on 2.0.0-2.3.0, feel free to update to 3.0.0 for homebrew (HBL launches next week!). 2.0.0-3.0.0 are next-best, and are interchangeable. It will get public stuff via jamais vu on a timescale of. SciresM has provided the following advice: Nvidia Tegra exploit by fail0verflow Team ( plus Linux on switch).fusée gelée, Nvidia Tegra exploit by ReSwitched Team.deja vu, TrustZone exploit for firmware version 4.1.0 by SciresM.

how to install the homebrew launcher for version 11.1.34u

Side Note: Though this exploit will not work if you are above firmware 3.0.0, there are other exploits to be released within a matter of time:

How to install the homebrew launcher for version 11.1.34u